Raj Dalal, MD (Board Certified in Internal Medicine) Mauli Dalal, MD (Board Certified in Family Medicine) 192 Abner Jackson Parkway Lake Jacskon, TX-77566 Your primary doctors for complete care: Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive health.
Raj Dalal, MD (Board Certified in Internal Medicine)Mauli Dalal, MD (Board Certified in Family Medicine)192 Abner Jackson ParkwayLake Jacskon, TX-77566 Your primary doctors for complete care:Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive health.

Welcome to Raj (Rajesh) Dalal, M.D., Mauli Dalal, M.D. (Professional Association)

Raj Dalal, M.D. Professional Association is the Primary care and Interrnal Medicine practice to go to in Lake Jackson, TX. Here you will find a caring doctor and staff who strive to give you the best possible health care, in a friendly and inviting atmosphere. We take the time to get to know you and truly listen. Nothing makes us happier than keeping you and your family healthy!

Many of our patients have been with our practice since they were young. We love seeing our patients grow up through the years. Above all, we pride ourselves in offering the best possible health care. At our clinic you can count on receiving health care services in a friendly and open environment. We are here to listen and make sure you get the best care possible!

Call to schedule an Appointment



New patients accepted (age 15 and older)



Raj Dalal, M.D.

Primary care physician,

Board certified in Internal Medicine, 

Certified in wound healing medicine,

Certified in hyperbaric medicine.

Diagnostic and therapeutic expert.


Mauli Dalal, M.D.

Board certified in Family Practice

Specializing in Functional, Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine


192 Abner Jackson Parkway

Lake Jackson, TX- 77566

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